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Nowy PainKeep Arena For Q3A
09·12·1999 - 20:02 - [FPP]Black
Najnowsze donosy poinformowały nas że Team Evolve's uraczy nas nową wersją PainKeep Arena for Quake 3 Arena. Oto wypowiedz człowieka z  Team Evolve udzielona  serwisowi Stomped na temat tego moda:

PainKeep Arena is very close to beta stage. All 20 of the maps are at beta stage. The Voting system and the hub are currently being ironed out. Models/Weapons are near completion, the Auto Sentry and Harpoon gun being the last two that still require additional work. All other weapons/items will be further tweaked at beta stage. Additionally, Bot Code is being modified to integrate PainKeepArena weapon usage in order to deliver competitive "artificial" opponents.

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